About Us

Based in Sligo, Raconteur is a digital agency run by Gordon Gaffney.

Gordon has a degree in Computer Science from Trinity College Dublin and has extensive experience in web design and digital marketing.

With an interest in the arts he has produced theatre for Wonderland Productions and also worked in Filmbase/Film Ireland magazine for 6 years.

While working on Film Ireland he got his first experience of using WordPress when they changed their site over to it in 2008.

You can read his published articles from Film Ireland magazine “The Business of Acting part 1”, and part 2, and “The Joy of Section 481”.

After the magazine ceased publication in 2013 he took the opportunity to teach English in Uruguay and Brazil. He used his computer science  background and digital experience to build two teaching brands, the English-based The Irish English Teacher and the Portuguese-based Aprender Inglês Sozinho (To Learn English by Yourself).

He has created material specifically to help Portuguese speakers improve their English, an eBook for sale on his own web store, and a companion video course on Udemy

You can read his article from the Sunday Independent about life just before the 2014 World Cup in Brazil here.

He also runs the investing blog Lunch Break Investing.

He now brings his experience and all-round knowledge of digital marketing, web design, and SEO to local businesses in Sligo and beyond.

You can connect with Gordon on Linkedin here.

Gordon Gaffney